Friday, January 14, 2011

Bizarre Cryptids: Nessie / Champ

A cryptid is a creature that could, for some people to exist, but are not recognized by the scientific community. Cryptids often appears in folklore and mythology, but - as you'll see - the adventure of them seem still to this day. A cryptid that is known is Bigfoot. After the giant squid was discovered, I was fascinated (and creeped) of these bizarre creatures.

Champ and Nessie are creatures that have similar origins and descriptions. People have reported seeing these creatures in Lake Champlain, USA, and Loch Ness, Scotland. Nessie reports describe the creature as 20 feet long with dark gray skin. She said that the beatings and at least one set of platforms. She has a head like a horse. Witness reports vary in description, but not by much. Most reported observations of Nessie in the 1930's and are still occurring today. Field was observed as long as 400 years. Native American tribes have stories even older than one animal in Lake Champlain. Field is also described as about 20 feet long (variable length) with a body coil. It is also reported to have a horse's head, etc.. Campo has pushed through laws to protect you. The most interesting is that Nessie and Champ are considered dinosaurs that survived. Descriptions of them are similar to a plesiosaur.

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